Page 6 - Annual report 2020-21
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RESIDENT INVOLVEMENT                      Annual report for customers
                                            & EMPOWERMENT STANDARD                                     2020/2021

                                            YOUR VOICE

                      3,554                 INVOLVING TENANTS
                                            Our involved tenants volunteered 3,554 hours of their time to
                VOLUNTEER                   help influence the services the Group provides. The time given by   Read more
                        HOURS               these individuals can be valued at more than £30,991*
                                            *Value based on minimum wage for over 25s at £8.72/hour
                 from our involved
                            tenants          Tenant group             Involvement                            Get
                                             Tenants’ Panel           Reviewed, influenced and approved     involved
                                                                      9 policies
                                             Tenant Auditors Group    Conducted 7 compliance audits all with
                                                                      reasonable or substantial assurance
                                             Customer Assurance       Scrutinised all 28 Wrekin Tenants’ Charter
                                             Panel (CAP)              standards. The CAP were pleased to provide
                                                                      assurance that Wrekin is meeting the Wrekin
                                                                      Tenants’ Charter with no areas of concern.

                             56             NET PROMOTER SCORE
                              NET           We asked our tenants: How likely are you to recommend The Wrekin

                 PROMOTER                   Housing Group to family friends?            The Wrekin Housing
                        SCORE                                                    56 Group

                                                 Poor             Average                   Excellent

                                           0            18 19                 45 46                            85
                      6,771                 COLLECTING CUSTOMER FEEDBACK

                 CUSTOMER                    1,233                  1,127                   4,200
                RESPONSES                    responses via our      responses via our       responses via our
                                             Covid-19 customer      STAR survey             repairs survey

                                             comments received through social media

                                            Through listening to our customers, whether it has been via surveys,
                                            social media, general comments, complaints or from the input of our
                                            involved residents, there have been many outcomes.

             Back to                        Click here to read the full Your Voice customer feedback report.
             quick links

        Wrekin Tenants’ Charter

        Click on the links below to find out how we’re meeting our commitments


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