Making a Difference
to people's lives

C19 Update - Stay home stay safe - Friday 24 April

We are continuing to provide essential services to all our customers in line with government advice.

We are:

- Keeping you safe in your homes
- Delivering care services
- Providing advice and support

As the period with increased government restrictions gets longer we want to reassure customers that we are here to support you. We are contacting all of our older and more vulnerable customers to offer support ranging from having a chat to advice around finances and arranging for shopping to be delivered. We know that many customers are experiencing financial worries so please do contact our money matters team who are ready to provide advice and support on a financial of financial matters. Their advice is also being shared on our website along with a range of information on things to do at home and other aspects of wellbeing.

If you are contacting us about a repair we will ask you if you, or anyone in your household, has symptoms of coronavirus, this is to protect you and our staff and does not mean that we cannot attend. We can still deliver services we just need to keep you and our staff safe.

We would like to call on all our customers, staff and partners to continue to follow government guidance around social distancing. Please:

- Stay at home
- If you do go out please stay at least 2m from each other
- Wash your hands often with soap and water

If you do need to leave your home it should only be to go to work, and then only if you cannot work from home, to access medical care, purchase essential shopping and to exercise once each day.

Please continue to check and our social media channels for updates and further information. If you would like to receive information directly you can sign up for email updates. Just let us know by emailing

24th April 2020