Making a Difference
to people's lives

C19 update - three tier system - Friday 16 October

This week the government has introduced the new three Tier system of localised COVID-19 restrictions. Every area in England will fall into one of three categories depending on the rate of local infections.

The majority of our customers live in tier 1 areas, with some in tier 2 areas. What this means is that the services we provide will not be affected at this time. We are closely monitoring the situation and you, our customers, will be the first to know if there are going to be any changes to this.

To find out about the restrictions where you live, you can use this BBC checker.

Tier 1 – Medium – remains subject to the basic national rules already in force, for example the rule of six and the closure of pubs, bars and restaurants at 10pm.

Tier 2 – High – as well as tier 1 restrictions you cannot meet socially with people that you don’t live with unless in a support bubble or to provide informal childcare. You can meet with friends and family outdoors in groups up to six.

Tier 3 – Very High – you cannot meet socially indoors and in certain outdoor locations with people you don’t live with unless they form your support bubble. You cannot meet in private or pub gardens but may meet at beaches or the country side as long as the group is six or less. Pubs and bars must close unless serving meals with restrictions on alcohol (only with meals). You are advised not to travel into or out of a tier 3 area unless for work, education caring or youth services.

We encourage you all to continue to stay alert and think about Hands, Face, Space. Doing this will help protect your family, your community and save lives:

  • Hands – Wash your hands regularly with soap for at least 20 seconds
  • Face – Wear a face covering in indoor settings
  • Space – Stay 2m apart from others


If you, or anyone in your household develops symptoms of COVID-19, it is very important that you request a test (online by calling 119). You should also inform us if you or anyone in your household has symptoms when you are requesting a service, such as a repair, from us.

Please continue to check our website and social media channels for updates and further information. If you would like to receive information directly you can sign up for email updates at

We will continue to update you on the latest government advice on COVID-19, but do check the website in the first instance for the most up-to-date information.

16th October 2020