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Social housing residents invited to share their views at Tenants Voice Conference 2023

Social housing tenants across Shropshire are invited to the annual Shropshire Tenants Voice Conference 2023 on Wednesday 5 July, from 10am to 4pm. This will be at the Barnabas Centre in Shrewsbury but can also be attended online

Organised by Shropshire Council in partnership with social landlords across the county, Tenants Voice aims to bring tenants and their landlords together, and gives residents a chance to meet with senior leaders from social housing providers across the county.

Tenants will have the opportunity to find out how they can influence decision-making that affects them, and what support is available from both their landlord and the wider community.

Attendees will hear from a host of speakers covering key topics such as health and wellbeing, cost of living and climate change, and will also be able access advice and support from a wide range or organisations. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Sessions throughout the day include:

  • Meet the landlord
  • Cost of living challenge
  • Putting tenants in the driving seat
  • Health and wellbeing hour / food inspirations
  • Living in a changing world – climate change challenge.

Dean Carroll, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for growth, regeneration and housing, said:-

“Following the success of our first Shropshire Tenants Voice Conference last year, we are really excited to be hosting another event.

“Tenants Voice 2023 offers all social housing tenants across Shropshire the opportunity to hear from their landlords and other social housing landlords operating across the county.

“There will be opportunities for residents to talk to senior leaders to share their experiences as tenants, and for landlords to share with residents the work they are doing to deliver high quality services and to assist residents with shared challenges.

“If you want to know more about how you can influence the decisions taken by your landlord that affect you, your community, and your home, then please join us at Shropshire Tenants Voice Conference 2023. As well as bringing social housing providers and residents together, the conference will also offer attendees the opportunity to connect with like-minded tenants and residents from across the county.

“You will also take home some excellent advice about how you can help keep your home warm. You’ll be able to meet, and hear about the support on offer from, a range of other local organisations. I am looking forward to being there and hope you will join us to share your views.”

Harpreet Rayet, Managing Director of Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing, added:-

“As social housing providers, we believe that tenant feedback is invaluable. We are committed to ensuring that our tenants have a voice and are actively involved in the decision-making processes that impact their lives. Tenants Voice 2023 is a fantastic opportunity for tenants to meet with senior leaders and discuss the issues that matter to them. We are excited to be a part of this event and look forward to hearing from our residents.”

Wayne Gethings, Group Chief Executive at The Wrekin Housing Group, said:-

“As a sector it’s imperative that we continue to place tenants at the heart of everything we do. It has also never been more important to make sure we listen to our tenants and ensure they have a say in shaping the services we deliver.

“This conference will bring together people from across the county to discuss the common challenges and opportunities facing the housing sector and residents. It will provide everyone with the opportunity to share their experiences and tell us about the issues that matter to them.”

Sara Woodall, operations director at Connexus, said:-

“At Connexus we’re keen to continue developing and shaping our services based on the feedback we receive.

“Tenants Voice 2023 will be another great opportunity for us to speak face to face to, and hear the views of those, living in our homes across Shropshire. I would encourage customers and those from other providers to take part and get involved, either in person or online. “

Les Clarke, executive director of housing and care, Housing Plus Group, said:-

“At Homes Plus, tenants help to shape and improve our services. Customers directly influence policies which have the biggest impact on their tenancies, and the ‘Customer Approved’ symbol on our documents provides a hallmark of tenant involvement.

“As one of the speakers at Tenants Voice 2023, I am very much looking forward to an opportunity to learn more about the experiences of social housing customers in Shropshire. I encourage residents to join us at this conference, to tell us about the challenges they are facing in the current economic climate and the issues that matter most to them.

How to book

Residents can either attend in person – though early booking is advised as places are limited – or view the conference online. To book your place visit: Shropshire Tenants Voice Conference 2023 Tickets, Wed 5 Jul 2023 at 10:00 | Eventbrite

14th June 2023