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Things to do this weekend - have a go at growing

While we are all staying alert, protecting the NHS, our Communications team would like to share some ideas for the garden.

Have you thought about growing your own vegetables but feel unsure where to start? Now we are spending more time at home this could be a great time to start your home growing journey.

The benefits of growing your own vegetables:

  • Home grown tastes better
  • Grow varieties you can’t buy in shops
  • Good for your wellbeing

What to grow

Salad leaves, beans and tomatoes are a good place to start. Many varieties have been designed to grow in pots or containers. Seeds are available online, at your local garden centre or look out for local seed swaps. Visit the Gardeners World website for links to online suppliers.

Where to grow

Many people recycle old tins and containers to use as pots, this is a great way to keep the costs down and it helps the environment too! If you’re stuck for space you can position pots on a sunny windowsill or use hanging baskets. If you have outdoor space such as a balcony or patio you could perhaps grow potatoes in sacks, you can even use old potatoes that have started to sprout.


Start now! Salad leaves can grow all year round and if you grow a cut and come again variety you should get fresh leaves for weeks on end.

Gardeners World has more tips and advice on growing veg and plants.

5th June 2020