Making a Difference
to people's lives

We’re checking in on our older customers

In the last two days we have made over 5,000 phone calls and welfare checks with our older customers.

We understand that at the best of times many older people find living in isolation difficult and a challenge so we are reaching out to everyone to see how they are. Our older tenants, who live in ShireLiving or Wrekin Retirement Living and are receiving daily checks from Scheme staff and Coordinators. However, did you know that around 1,800 of our other customers are also over 70?

We are giving tenants a call and simply to ask:

  • how are you?
  • do you have support at the moment?
  • would you like us to call again?

By asking these simple questions we are finding that most do have help and support from family and friends. For the few that do have concerns, often around food, medication and feeling lonely, we can help.

We will be keeping in touch with this group, helping where we can with things like deliveries and referring them to wider community support and advice where needed.

Please continue to check for updates. You can also check our social media channels for further information. If you would like to receive information directly you can sign up for emails. Just let us know by emailing

1st April 2020