Making a Difference
to people's lives

Wrekin supports Learning at Work Week 2024

Learning at Work Week (13-19 May 2024) is an annual, national campaign organised by Campaign for Learning, which aims to promote the development of learning cultures in the workplace.

The 2024 theme is ‘Learning power’. It explores how lifelong and continual learning gives us power to change, grow and achieve our individual, team and organisational goals.

We spoke with two members of staff who are excelling in their learning journeys.

Claudia Petrelli, 33 joined the Wrekin Housing Group as a support worker in October 2019, before progressing to become a Team Leader.

Claudia secured a new position as a Developmental Care Manager in August 2021 and was provided with the opportunity to study for a RQF level 4 Diploma in Adult Care in October 2021

Claudia completed her Level 4 Diploma in just over 12 months, ahead of her target due date, she committed to the programme and delivered an excellent standard of work and she has applied her knowledge into practice to a very high standard.

Claudia said:

“I've always felt that Wrekin has a lot of opportunities for staff who want to learn and grow – not only in terms of looking at extra qualification, but the valuable experience you get in the workplace.

“I have had some brilliant mentors here at Wrekin. They’ve encouraged me and provided me with the opportunities to develop myself. I’ve started as a Support worker and Wrekin have allowed me to get both the qualifications and experience to progress within the organisation.

“In care, you never stop learning. The regulations and legislation are changing all the time so we have to keep on top of things.

“And as a manager, I’m always encouraging my time to look for opportunities to grow and learn.”

As a result of completing of her Level 4 Diploma, Claudia secured a new role within the organisation as a Care Manager and is currently studying the Leader in Adult Care Level 5 Apprenticeship.

Charlotte Whitehouse, 31, joined the organisation in 2017 as a support worker, before completing her the RQF Level 2 Diploma in Care. Charlotte has then secured a new role within the organisation as a Senior Support worker and has worked in many of our care and support schemes.

Charlotte then went on to achieve her RQF Level 3 Diploma in care,

Charlotte then secured a new role in the organisation as a Team Leader, she supported with the opening of a new scheme and in

Charlotte is now a Care Manager and is currently studying the Leader in Adult Care Level 5 Apprenticeship.

She said:

“Wrekin really allow their staff to develop and progress within the organisation. I started as a support worker and it’s taken me a few years, but I’m now a care manager. My managers have shown a lot of faith in me and I’ve really grown in confidence over the years due to the support I’ve received.”

“I’ve had some brilliant managers during my time at Wrekin, they’ve pushed me to try these courses and get these qualifications. It’s something that stuck with me and I’m trying to do with the staff that I now manager.

“I am speaking to staff about their personal development. If they would like to progress and get more qualification. I’m also trying to help develop new leaders and ensure they get as much experience as possible.”

Sophie Jones, The Wrekin Housing Group’s Head of People Services said:

“We are passionate about investing and prioritising continuous development amongst our colleagues. We recognise the importance of developing and nurturing the growth of our managers and future leaders, by equipping them with the skills needed to navigate their roles effectively. Enhancing their skills will help them to them to adapt to challenges and changes as services evolve and they will be better placed to manage successful teams and deliver services with customers at the heart. It goes without saying, fostering a culture of growth, and continuous development within our organisation also supports staff retention, morale, job satisfaction and productivity.”

13th May 2024