Making a Difference
to people's lives

External painting and repairs frequently asked questions

Frequently asked by lease holders

FAQ external painting

Why is the Trust carrying out painting works at my block?
The Trust is obligated to carry out the works under the terms of your lease.

I have carried out the painting & repair work to my property myself; can I opt out of the external painting & repair programme?
The Trust is obliged to carry out this work under the terms of your lease agreement. If you need further clarification please seek legal advice.

What if I object to the proposed works?
During the Leasehold consultation process you are given the opportunity to make written observations and the Trust will respond to any observations individually.

If no work is carried out that relates to your particular property, you will still be responsible for a proportion of the overall costs of the works carried out to the block.

Why have two contractors been awarded the contract?
The reason we have appointed two contractors is to ensure we obtain value for money and quality services. It enables us to benchmark the contractor's performance and provide an efficient rolling programme. In the event of contractors becoming insolvent or under performing, it will enable the works to continue without delays.

When will I be notified that my block is in the programme?
We will send out a notification letter prior to carrying out any works to your block, along with the estimated cost.

Can leaseholders have a copy of the survey carried out by the contractor?
Yes we will provide a breakdown of the work including a full estimate prior to commencement of the works.

Will I have the opportunity to meet a representative from the Trust or the contractor to discuss any concerns prior to works commencing?
Yes, when you have received the breakdown of works in the notification letter, an onsite meeting can be arranged by calling the External Works category in Asset Management on 01952 217100.

There are garages under my property will I have to pay towards them?
If we are going to paint garages that form part of the structure of the block we should charge in accordance with the terms of the Lease.

How did you arrive at the estimated costs for my property?
Estimates are based on a pre-survey that is carried out prior to the commencement of any work.

Why is my external door not being painted?
The external door is not covered by all leases. However if you would like your door painting please contact us.