Making a Difference
to people's lives

Customer charter

We are committed to making a difference to our customers and communities through the services we offer.

Customer charter

Customers are at the heart of what we do. Our customer charter sets out how we will make sure our services are good quality, responsive and effective.

Communicate clearly

A home is really important to everyone. We will communicate clearly about the services we offer and any queries that might occur. We will make sure we are clear. We will respond to your questions and publish information about things that matter most to you.

We want our customers to be able to reach us in a way that’s suitable and convenient. We know people have busy lives, so want to make sure services are convenient and easy to use. All of our services will be responsive and respectful. We work with others to design services and deal with questions or repairs.

To achieve this we will:

• Have a variety of ways to contact us so you can choose the one that’s most suitable. This could be over the phone, face to face at drop in sessions, on social media or email

• Our contact centre is open 8.00 am until 8.00 pm

• Make sure that you can contact us about emergencies 24 hours a day

• See to all repairs on the same day they are reported. If we're unable to finish the work, we will explain the next steps

• Make sure staff are knowledgeable and able to deal with, or direct people, effectively

• Give information about services on our website, in our digital and printed newsletters and on social media

• Be clear with everyone on the type of tenancy they have and give details on what this means

Everyone matters

Our staff and customers are individuals with different needs, hopes, life experiences and living within communities. Customers are central to our services. To ensure everyone matters, we will understand our customers, tailoring services, so they work for everyone.

To achieve this we will:

• Use information we hold to look at our services, such as complaints information

• Look back on our services to make sure they work for the diverse customers and communities we work with

• Make certain staff are trained to understand diverse customer needs and tailor services effectively. This could be giving more time to answer the door.

• Work in partnership to support local organisations, particularly for energy efficiently and cost of living support.

Inspire positive change

By ensuring our customers have a strong influence over our services and decisions, it means our services are customer focussed. Working together we can look to improve how our services work and learn where things go wrong.

To achieve this, we will:

• Carry out a number of service reviews in the next two years

• Encourage customers to take part in these reviews by including include feedback in each review.

Grow together

Only by understanding our customers’ needs, expectations and experience can we improve. We will have a range of ways for customers to get involved and provide training/support to get involved.

To achieve this we will:

• Routinely publish information about how our services are performing, such as the regulatory Tenant Satisfaction Measures

• Give training for customers on how to conduct a scrutiny review at least once per year

• Each year, provide 12 training opportunities about customer involvement

• Have a number of different ways that customers can get involved. This includes judging staff awards, community walkabouts, focus groups (our Tenant Engagement Framework)

• Every three years meet with customers about ways to get involved.

We know that, particularly when something is not working or has gone wrong, we need to be responsive. Whether replying to a complaint or giving advice, we will be responsive and respectful in our services and communications.

To achieve this, we will:

• Have an effective complaint handling approach which listens to our customers. We will put things right and work quickly, replying within a maximum of 10 working days (stage 1)

• Listen to feedback through surveys, customer involvement and complaints to learn from your experiences to prevent them happening again.

Quality and safety of homes

Everyone should feel safe and secure in their homes. Customers should be confident that our services are customer focussed and high quality.

To achieve this, we will:

• Have clear information on our homes such as the age and condition of the kitchen

• Carry out safety checks, and inspections, such as on gas central heating in line with regulatory time frames

• Have a clear strategy, designed with customers, who live in our high rise buildings

• Make sure our homes are always above the Decent Homes Standard

• Let our homes in a sustainable, customer focussed way

• Carry out a customer led re-let process which works with the customer to influence works to be carried out

• We will work in partnership with other organisations such as through our Resilience Fund to help with the cost of living crisis

• Have a clear programme of cleaning and grounds maintenance for homes within a block.