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Get fit for Universal Credit

Universal Credit (UC) is a single monthly benefit payment for working age people.

Universal Credit (UC) replaces:
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Income Support
  • Employment and Support Allowance
  • Housing Benefit
  • Jobseeker’s Allowance
If you are receiving your State Retirement Pension this will not affect you.

You will move onto Universal Credit when you experience a change in your circumstances which results in you making a new claim to one of the above.

Find out everything you need to know about Universal Credit at the government website.

Over the coming years, all people claiming these benefits will move onto Universal Credit, but we don’t know the actual date for this yet. You will be notified in plenty of time by the DWP.

When you do move to Universal Credit, there may be a delay between your old benefit payments ending and Universal Credit payments starting. In some cases, this has left people without money for up to six weeks.

To make sure you’re fit for the swap, follow the links to some simple actions you can take now.
UC get ready button UC get ready button UC make the switch button UC stay afloat button