Making a Difference
to people's lives

Housing Perks FAQs

Everything you need to know about the Housing Perks App

Is the app free to use for tenants?
Yes. The app can be downloaded by Wrekin customers free of charge.

Can a voucher be used in addition to loyalty cards or cashback?
Yes. In the vast majority of cases, this is possible. Check the terms and conditions of your voucher for restrictions.

If I have a £20 voucher and I spend £18, do I lose £2?
No. When you purchase a voucher, you can use it as many times as you like until it's empty.

How quickly do I receive a voucher after I have bought it?
The average time is a few seconds. Vouchers appear instantly on your phone if purchased through the app.

Is the app secure?
Housing Perks is certified by the UK Government Cyber Security Centre.

Is there a limit to how many vouchers can be purchased?
‍No. Wrekin customers can purchase as many vouchers as they like.

Can vouchers be used without a smartphone?
Yes. Vouchers can be printed off or shared with another device. Vouchers can also be purchased over the phone.

How long does a voucher last?
Usually 2 years. It is important to check the expiry date on the voucher as it can vary between 3 months and 5 years.

What happens if my voucher doesn't work?
In the rare case that a voucher doesn't work, see Housing Perks' terms and conditions for advice on how to request a refund for a faulty voucher.

My voucher isn't scanning when I try to redeem it in-store. What's wrong?
Make sure to turn the screen on your phone up to full brightness. If your screen is damaged you may need to print the voucher out.

If you have any questions or need further support, please get in touch by emailing