Making a Difference
to people's lives

Open and honest interview with Money Matters customer, Mal

At Wrekin, we’re proud of the work our Money Matters Team does for our customers. That’s why we’re focussing on some of the support they’ve provided to people during difficult times. Here’s Mal, a Money Matter’s customer, who has agreed to share his story and experience.

“Back in 1999, unfortunately both of my parents passed away and I was continuing to live in our family home. I was subject to the Bedroom Tax which meant that I would receive reduced benefits purely because of the number of bedrooms in my house, this meant that I was unable to pay other bills. I didn’t want to move house because of the emotional attachment I had to our family home.

“Debts continued to rise and I couldn’t manage it to be honest, I was receiving so many letters day to day. I’d have enough money to pay off one debt, but with that I’d struggle to pay off others. I got in touch with all the services that needed bills paying, trying to set up payment plans, sorting out the water bill was doable as they were willing to cooperate and were really helpful, but others just wouldn’t accept it. They’d even send someone out to try and get me to pay the bill and then add a further £100 to the debt, it was an impossible situation. I felt like I was being knocked down over and over again, at some point you ask yourself whether it’s worth getting back up anymore.

“When I got in touch with the tenancy sustainment service and the debt advice service they were very helpful. There were processes that I had no idea about that they helped me to understand, they made every step towards financial freedom much easier for me. Previously, I didn’t know that there even was a process that needed to be followed, but they showed me how we could solve the problems, reduce debts and general outgoings. They were always really easy to get in touch with whenever I needed something clarified or if another problem arose, which was so helpful.

“The debt advice service provided advice and suggestions but it was always down to me to make the final decision, I liked that because it was unlike any other service I received. Most of the time I went with their advice but I appreciated that they gave me freedom to make my own call. As well as that, they took a massive weight off my shoulders, I went from waking up in the morning, terrified of the postman or debt collectors turning up with anymore bills, to no longer having that same worry anymore.

“Because the debt advice service provided their support, I can now sleep soundly, I am no longer worried about anyone coming and trying to take all of my possessions, I’m also now looking at getting a PCV licence and becoming a bus driver.

“Finally, I have to say, if you’re struggling financially, get in touch with the debt advice service because they really can help you. If you do it alone you might end up hitting brick wall after brick wall, the debt advice service can help you get past that barrier, they have knowledge and really can make a difference. Just reach out to them.”

To find out more about the Money Matters Team and how they can help you, please click here.

27th July 2021