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to people's lives

Getting ahead for Universal Credit

Find out how to get ahead with paying your rent.

It can take up to six weeks to receive your first Universal Credit payment, and your rent will still need to be paid during this time. Making small, additional payments into your rent account before you move onto Universal credit will help you prepare.

The Group are encouraging all customers to keep their accounts four weeks in credit making the transfer to Universal Credit much simpler.

We appreciate that not all customers are able to do this so we have changed the way we calculate our payment plans, and paying a little extra every week could make all the difference

How can I get ahead with my rent?
The Group will be contacting customers over the next few months to discuss with you how you can Get ahead of the game however if you want to start building some credit on your rent account now contact your local shop to discuss increasing your payment plan.

You can also pay extra by registering on our customer portal – call 01952 217100.

The customer portal can be accessed 24 hours a day via your computer, tablet or smartphone.

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