Making a Difference
to people's lives

Ending your tenancy

We are sorry to hear that you are thinking of leaving us or that your current home is no longer suitable for you. 

We would like the opportunity to discuss this with you as soon as possible. It might be that we can assist with helping you stay in your current home, or perhaps support you with a transfer to another Wrekin home.

There are lots of different ways we can assist. To discuss this in more detail, please contact your Housing Officer or our Customer Contact Centre on 01952 217100 who will be able to book you an appointment.

How do I give my notice?

You will need to give four weeks’ notice, by completing the Group’s termination form, please call 01952 217100 to request a form. The termination date is set from the following Monday after the date we received your notice.

Please ensure you provide us with a current telephone number and forwarding address.

If a tenant dies, we will accept a reduced notice period of two weeks, from a person representing the deceased. We will require a copy of the death certificate as well as a completed termination form.

I'm moving into a residential home, what happens to the Housing Benefits?

If you have confirmation of permanent residency in a residential home, it is essential that a termination form is completed and returned immediately. If you or your family have been advised of this decision verbally by a social worker or manager of the residential care home, please contact a member of the Group to discuss this further. Housing Benefit will only continue to pay towards your rent up to four weeks from the date permanent residency was agreed.

A family member of mine has gone into a residential home; can I terminate on their behalf?

We will require a completed termination form and this would need to be signed by the tenant. If this is not possible then we will require a letter from the residential home to confirm that the tenant will permanently be residing there.

What happens once I've given my notice?

Once a termination notice is received, you will receive confirmation in writing of the date your tenancy is due to end, when keys are due to be returned and any rent payable until the end of your tenancy.

Where possible, a representative from the Group will carry out a pre-termination inspection at the property. This is to gather details about the property and offer any advice needed.

Any outstanding rent not covered by Housing Benefit, should be paid before the termination date. If you are claiming Housing Benefit, you must inform your Housing Benefits team that you are moving out. When you move out, your Housing Benefit will stop immediately.

During the notice period your property will be advertised so that we can allocate it to someone else. It would be helpful if you would allow prospective tenants to view. Please note: a member of the Group staff always accompanies them.

Returning your keys

All keys should be returned by 9.30am on the date that you have been advised your tenancy ceases. You must return your keys on time as the tenancy doesn’t end until we have them. This means that the rent will continue to be charged until we do. If you don’t return all the keys, you will be charged by us to have all the locks in the property changed.

When you move out

When moving out you must:

  • Have the meters read, water turned off and leave electrical cables in a safe condition,
  • Provide details of energy suppliers,
  • Not leave anyone else living in the property, nor any pet,
  • Leave all fixtures and fittings in good repair,
  • Leave the decoration of the property in a condition where they can immediately be let to another person.

Removing appliances

If you are removing gas or electrical appliances, we advise you to use a qualified trades person.

Removal of furniture

The property and garden must be left clear of all rubbish, furniture and other contents. If items are left in the property, we will charge you for their removal.