Making a Difference
to people's lives

WATCH – Wrekin alarm telephone call helpline

WATCH is a service that offers you peace of mind: If you need help, it is available at the touch of a button, 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

You may benefit from WATCH if you feel at risk in your home due to your age, disability or illness or if you’re feeling vulnerable, perhaps because you’ve been a victim of crime or domestic abuse.

We can fit an alarm in any property as long as you have a working telephone line. The alarm unit is connected to your telephone and portable buttons or pendants are available around your neck or wrist. These will work anywhere in your home.

How does it work?

The WATCH service works via an alarm unit that is connected to your phone line – there is no need for special wiring. By pressing a single button on the unit, or via a portable button worn as a pendant around your neck or on your wrist, assistance is available any time, day or night. The button works anywhere within your home and garden using a powerful microphone to enable the call centre to hear you, even if you are in a different room. If you are unable to speak or in your garden, we will still be able to identify your name and address so somebody can be sent to your aid.

Mobile Response Officer service

The WATCH alarm is complimented by a unique Mobile Response Officer service which is supported by local emergency services, making it perfect for people who may not have friends and family nearby to react to alarm activation.

How can I get an alarm?

We offer a free home demonstration of the WATCH service and we can then explain the service in more detail and answer any questions that you may have.

If you would like more information on WATCH, or would like to book a free demonstration, please call 01952 217151.

24 hour help at the touch of a button…